Does Basil Have Acne-Fighting Properties?

Those of us who have some interest in natural medicines must have surely heard of the health benefits of basil. In fact, basil is a wonder herb that has been used for several millennia. It is even considered holy in some countries, particularly India. Though basil has been popularly used in folk remedies, science has discovered that it has some active ingredients that impart medicinal properties to the herb. So, without waiting, let's delve into its role in acne treatment.

What makes basil good for your skin? Its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties play an important role in fighting acne. Well, it also has other properties that have a positive effect on your health.

For example, consuming fresh leaves of basil may enhance your immune system. And, it must be mentioned here that your internal functions have a lot to do with acne. Clearade reviews tell you how important it is to administer effective doses of acne vitamins to enhance your skin's oil metabolism. So, it's a great way to target the root cause of acne, i.e. excessive oil production, meaning that you can get rid of acne naturally.

Now, coming back to basil, it's good to know that basil has been used to treat depression, high blood pressure, arthritis and eczema among other ailments.

Extracts from basil leaves and oil from basil seeds are known to be anti-inflammatory. It is said that the seed oil contains linoleic acid, which impedes some pro-inflammatory processes. Science shows that sebum, i.e. skin oil contains lower levels of linoleic acid, meaning that sebum favors the growth of acne bacteria. Further, the powerful antimicrobial property of basil destroys these acne-causing bacteria and helps heal your acne lesions.

Are there any specific recipes or formulations to use basil? As we just discussed, consuming some fresh basil can boost your immune system. But, basil is more effective as a topical remedy for acne. The simplest way to use basil for acne removal is to apply basil tea on your skin. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of dried leaves with a cup of water, boil for about 15 minutes, strain and cool. If you use fresh basil, make sure that you crush the leaves to release its natural oils. Use a cotton ball to dab the tea on your skin. Follow this twice a day and your complexion will become noticeably brighter and smoother. You can refrigerate the unused tea for a week.
Another interesting method is to steam you face over a container of hot water mixed with some basil leaves.

Ten minutes of facial steaming will do. It will open the skin pores and loosen the debris to provide a deep cleansing effect. After steaming, splash cold water to close the pores. You can also make a face mask by mixing basil and neem leaves in equal proportion, and grinding them to make a smooth paste. Spread the paste on your face, avoiding the eye area, and wash off after about 15 minutes. Some people also suggest rubbing fine basil powder on the face to control oil, especially during summer.

Make sure that you're not allergic to basil. As you can see, basil provides a variety of methods for acne treatment at home. So, why wait? Try your hand to see if it's the remedy you're looking for!

Check out Clearade acne treatment that works on the root causes of acne. You may also learn about some of the best acne home remedies here.

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