Don't Let Zits Stand In Your Way

By Janet Sawerson

Acne is like something out of a horror movie. When you wake up and see that pimple staring you in the mirror, you just about jump out of your skin, especially if you've got a hot date or the likes, that same evening. Here are some tips about taking care of those blemishes.

Most pimples medications and even the pimples themselves, can make skin dry and tight. Zits-prone skin needs to be moisturized, you just need to get the proper moisturizers. Avoid anything that has oil or alcohol in them, as these can irritate the already compromised skin. Look for gentle, even natural lotions and creams that are made for acne-prone or very sensitive skin.

You can use salicylic acid to control your oily skin. This can dry up most of the oil so that it doesn't have time to set and cause blemishes. Make sure that the kind you're using is oil-free, otherwise you'll be adding more oil to your face. Gently clean your face with the cleanser and then rinse with warm, not hot, water.

Add some healthy nuts to your diet to combat zits breakouts. Healthier nut options, such as almonds and Brazil nuts, contain essential oils and fatty acids that help your skin. You can also get the mineral, Selenium, from them which can help with repair and prevention. In fact, many cases of pimples are caused by a Selenium deficiency.

If you have a project that is due for school, do not wait until the last minute, which can cause stress and anxiety. Plan in advance and finish ahead of time, to avoid unnecessary stress the night before it is due. This will help you feel comfortable during the day and reduce breakouts at college.

Getting a little bit of sunshine every day helps prevent acne. Sunshine helps create Vitamin D in the body, which is an essential nutrient for the skin. However, do not stay in the sun too long as this can create negative results for the skin. Taking a ten minute walk a day is sufficient.

Limiting the amount of dairy foods and red meat that you eat can help you reduce acne. These foods are difficult to digest and cause acid to form in our bodies. Our skin's health is tied to our internal organs, which means that the problems that these foods are causing will wreak havoc on your skin.

If you are suffering from severe acne, it may be best to make an appointment with a dermatologist. They can prescribe a prescription medication that will be more helpful for clearing up pimples, and many times will be covered by your medical insurance carrier. Ask friends or family for a recommendation to a good doctor.

Give your face a break. If you are trying out lots of new treatments not only will you end up making your pimples worse, but if something did help, you wouldn't be able to tell which one had done the trick. Try one new regimen or treatment at a time. Give it a day or two to see if it makes a difference and then move on to the next if not.

Add some probiotics and prebiotics to your diet with yogurts and supplements if you are taking antibiotics. Antibiotics destroy both the good and bad bacteria in your system which causes you to not be able to absorb important nutrients that will help fight off your acne issues. Adding pro and prebiotics to your diet will help replenish the good bacteria your body needs.

Doctors have done studies that have proven that diets that include high carbohydrates can increase the severity of pimples. Reducing the intake of sugar, white bread and pastas can reduce the severity of your breakouts or even help to eliminate them altogether. It is a hard thing to do but you will love the results.

An important tip to consider when concerning zits is to consider using Hydrocortisone as a remedy. This is an over the counter medication that has been proven to eliminate redness in acne. Be sure to not overuse this product, or use on unaffected areas so that you do not irritate your skin.

Do your best to control stress to reduce zits. As difficult as it may be to control stressful situations from occurring, you need to find a way to recognize the early symptoms of stress and find a way to take action. Becoming more relaxed will reduce the number of breakouts that you have.

To treat mild to moderate zits, you must first adopt a two-part skincare regimen that includes regular use of a systemic approach -prescription medications that inhibit bacterial growth and oil production- and a topical element. Topical elements include creams, ointments, oils, or solutions. This combination will ultimately reduce the appearance and severity of most types of pimples.

Things like your particular type of skin will dictate the level of care that you need, in order to get rid of these blemishes, so always be sure that you're focusing on these tips and applying them correctly if you want to beat pimples. It may take a while to see results, but these tips are easy to apply and will work well.

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